Here is what Uke Like The Pros can do for you:
Discover all the chords necessary to play any song that you have every wanted to play. No more wondering what chord shape is when you see chords in songs or see someone else playing. You can start showing others the 'cool' chords you know.
Develop amaing right hand technqiue (left hand if your left handed). The strumming hand is the most important hand in playing the ukulele. I will show you techniques that will help you develop speed and dexterity.
Master the different strum patterns used in any style of music. Finally be able to hear and play any strum pattern in any song weather it's fast or slow, complex or simple. Through the easy to follow videos I will not only show you, but you can play along with me until you have it locked in your hands.
You'll learn many different styles of music. I'll teach you exactly how to play styles such as pop, rock, jazz, blues, reggae, 'island', country, and fingerstyle. This will open up a whole new world for you by understanding what gives all these styles their unique sound.
Develop a strong sense of rhythm and time. One of the most important aspects of playing music is playing with solid time. Each video has a JAM Tracks so you can play a long with the 'band' and learn how to find the groove.
You'll get a logical and methodical system for learning the ukulele. The lessons were developed so you can go from lesson 1 straigtht through to lesson 28. Each lesson will build on things you learned from the previous lesson and you can go at your own pace. You'll see the difference in your playing as you master each lesson.
Grow your confidence. Feel secure that the information you are learning will help you weather you want to play your favorite songs, write your own songs, play with friends or just have a good time in the comfort of your home.
Easy to follow. Each lesson has On-Screen Chords, TAB, and Notation. Keep your eyse on the videos and the screen will show you everything that I am demonstrating to you in the video.
Each lesson has the option to download the sheet music for each song and lesson. This will help you see the entire form structure of the song and will be a great resource to be able to play the songs anywhere, anytime.
Each lesson has a downloadable Jam Track. This will not only help strenghten your rhythm and strumming but will give you the excitment and fun of playing with a band.